What is Kencur and what are the benefits for health

"Kencur, which has the Latin name Kaempferia galanga L, turns out to be in the same family as ginger or Zingiberaceae. So, don't be surprised if many people often confuse kencur with ginger and galangal because of their similar shape. Even though in fact, kencur can bring different benefits from ginger for health.
Read on to find out the various benefits of kencur for body health, let's go!"

What is kencur?

Kencur is a type of spice that has a distinctive aroma that is fresh and pungent. Besides being used as a flavor enhancer in cooking, the benefits of kencur have also long been recognized as a natural remedy.

This plant originating from Asia belongs to the ginger-ginger family (Zingiberaceae).

The Zingiberaceae species does not only contain kencur plants, but also includes ginger, turmeric, and galangal. Yes, in other words, kencur is actually still a close relative of ginger, galangal, and turmeric.

That is one of the reasons why the basic ingredients of these dishes have almost the same shape, so it is sometimes difficult to distinguish.

Kencur plants grow in many tropical and subtropical climates. The distribution areas are generally in Asia, including in Indonesia, India, Bangladesh, Thailand and Malaysia.

Kencur plants usually thrive in mountainous areas or lowlands.

The best soil structure for planting kencur is loose, aka it doesn't contain too much water.

However, kencur is equally fertile when planted in pots with soil conditions that are not too wet. The meki that you have often used is only part of the kencur tuber, in fact this plant has a complete shape.

Just like most plants in general, kencur plants are also equipped with leaves and flowers. It's just that, the shape and appearance are certainly different from other kitchen ingredients.

What is the difference between kencur, ginger and turmeric?

For those of you who really understand the various types of kitchen spices, of course you are familiar with kencur. However, because there is not only one type of spice, sometimes it makes people confused in distinguishing the various types.

Maybe you are one of those who often find it difficult to distinguish between kencur and various other kitchen spices. Whether it's ginger or turmeric, for example. In fact, each of these spices has its own distinctive shape and characteristics. In fact, the benefits of kencur and other cooking ingredients are not the same.

Here are the differences between kencur, ginger, and turmeric, which you should understand:

1. Shape

At first glance, kencur, ginger, and turmeric look similar. Although both belong to the root plant group, kencur has a distinctive skin appearance, brownish in color with a pale yellow interior.

In addition, kencur is generally somewhat round and short in shape. While the form of turmeric is just the opposite.If kencur has a shape that tends to be round, turmeric is long with a size that resembles a human finger joint. The color of the inside of turmeric is very different from other ingredients, which is more orange.

Because it has curcuminoids, turmeric will leave a distinctive yellowish color after being handled. Curcuminoids are yellow coloring agents usually found in turmeric and ginger.

In contrast to ginger, which does have a shape that almost resembles a human finger. It's just that, the shape of this plant will usually swell in the middle so it doesn't look slender like turmeric.

2. Leaves

Kencur plants usually have 2-4 leaves, or not too many. The shape of the leaves is wide round with the arrangement between the leaves facing each other. While the leaves of the turmeric plant are about 3-8, with a leaf length of up to 70 centimeters (cm).

Unlike the leaf shape of the kencur plant, the size of the leaves on the turmeric plant is elongated with a sharp shape at the tip. For ginger plants, the leaves are pinnate and are somewhat short.

3. Flowers

Interestingly, these three kitchen spices also have flowers as a complement to plants. In kencur, the flowers are white and are equipped with 4 crowns. The flower is supported by a stalk that is not too long.

The flower shape of the turmeric plant is not much different from the kencur plant. However, turmeric plants have slightly purple flowers with a size that is also quite small. Another only with ginger plant flowers, which are quite wide and rather large. The flower color of the ginger plant is generally red, with scaly peduncles.

4. Taste

Aroma and taste are one of the most striking differences from kencur, turmeric and ginger. Kencur has a very strong aroma, it can even be a bit overpowering. The distinctive taste of kencur itself is unique, namely there is a bitter, spicy sensation, but feels warm when it enters the body. Meanwhile, ginger has a dominant spicy taste thanks to the zingeron compound in it. That is why ginger is often used as a body-warming drink which is good for consumption when the weather is cold.

On the other hand, turmeric does have a taste that is not as strong as kencur or ginger. However, turmeric gives a taste that is quite sweet and not spicy when eaten. Therefore, most people are usually not very aware that they have eaten food with turmeric in it.

What are the chemical ingredients and compounds in kencur?

Besides its distinctive taste and can add to the delicacy of processed dishes, the benefits of kencur don't stop there. Various composition of substances contained in kencur, namely:

  • Starch
  • Mineral
  • Sineol
  • Methyl canyl and penta acid
  • Cinnamic acid
  • Ethyl ester
  • Borneol
  • Kamphene
  • Paraeumarin
  • Anisic acid
  • Alkaloids
  • Gom

Kandungan sineol, asam metil kanil, penta dekaan, asam sinamat, dan lain sebagainya tersebut masuk ke dalam minyak-minyak atsiri. Bukan hanya itu, senyawa kimia lainnya yang ada di dalam kencur yakni etil p-metoksisinamat, p-metoksistiren, karen, borneol, dan parafin.

Di antara kandungan kimia ini, etil p-metoksisinamat merupakan komponen utama dari kencur. Sementara untuk kandungan minyak atsiri, ada sekitar 2,4-2,9 persen kadar minyak atsiri yang menyusun senyawa kencur.

What are the benefits of kencur for health?

Apart from being a cooking spice, in fact kencur has various benefits that are good for health, including:

1. Treating cough

The traditional herb kencur mixed with salt has long been known as a traditional medicine for cough with phlegm. Drinking this herb is predicted to make breathing easier and help relieve cough with phlegm faster.

Besides being a cough medicine, It turns out that this herbal ingredient is often consumed by singers before they perform to help maintain the condition of the vocal cords as well as make the throat feel more relieved, you know! But unfortunately there is no research that proves this benefit.

2. Relieve stress

A study carried out by researchers from the Department of Pharmacy at Jahangirnagar University Bangladesh, found the benefits of kencur. This research shows that the extract of kencur plant, both the rhizome / root and the leaves, has antidepressant properties against the central nervous system which can provide a sedative or calming effect.

The results of these studies also confirm the benefits of kencur for health as a significant sedative effect. That is why many people use kencur as a drug used to reduce the effects of stress, anxiety, anxiety, and depression.

Nevertheless, This research still needs further research on the properties of kencur for the health of the human body.

3. Treating diarrhea

Still from the results of previous research published in the International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, they found interesting things. The study states that kencur extract contains considerable amounts of cytotoxic and antibacterial substances.

On that basis, kencur is believed to be one of the most effective treatment options for diarrhea. This is evidenced by research conducted on experimental animals which were divided into 2 groups. Both groups were given castor oil by mouth (orally) to cause diarrhea.

In fact, experimental animals that received kencur extract showed signs and symptoms of diarrhea that were mild, and even disappeared. Meanwhile, other experimental animal groups that did not get kencur extract experienced persistent diarrhea symptoms. For example, stool tends to runny, abdominal pain, and frequent bowel movements.

4. The basic ingredients of herbal medicine

In Indonesia, kencur is the main ingredient used to make herbal medicine, whether it's traditional or modern factory-made herbal medicine. This herbal drink is often called kencur rice, which is made from a mixture of rice, kencur, tamarind, and brown sugar.

The benefits of kencur which are processed into herbal drinks are useful for increasing appetite, overcome digestive problems, stomach pain, shortness of breath, colds, and headaches.

But unfortunately again, research on the benefits of kencur is still minimal.

5. Prevent dental caries

The antimicrobial properties present in kencur have amazing benefits. This content can help inhibit the development of the Lactobacillus acidophilus bacteria in the body.

The reason is, if allowed to multiply, these bacteria can cause tooth decay, such as dental caries. This disease, which is usually experienced by children, will cause tooth decay due to cavities, infection and toothache.

Herbal Processed Recipes from Kencur

1. Herb Rice Galanga Turmeric/Jamu Beras Kencur Kunyit

Adding turmeric to this herbal recipe will strengthen the aroma of kencur rice itself. Physically, the jamu Beras Kencur containing Turmeric will also look brighter because it is yellow, not pale white.

2. Herb Rice Galanga Ginger/Jamu Beras Kencur Jahe

Adding ginger to your homemade rice kencur recipe will add a warm effect to the herbs. The herb kencur rice plus ginger is very suitable for consumption while warm.
